A Great Discussion about Atheism

Below are some links to a really great series of videos from Sunday’s episode of UP, a show on MSNBC hosted by Chris Hayes. This is one of the most thoughtful discussions about the role of atheism in politics and public life that I have ever heard.  There are some very intelligent and thoughtful people on the discussion panel including Steven Pinker and Robert Wright.  I encourage you to watch as much of it as you can.

Richard Dawkins also joins in for a few of the segments.  I have a real problem with his overall attitude and it was interesting to hear some of the reactions to his attitude from the panel.  Some disagreeing strongly, others identifying with his more strident take on atheism.  I’ve seen the damage that his attitude and incendiary comments have done and the ammunition it gives to conservative religious people, like my parents, so I have a real problem with him.

And also, in one of the later segments a pastor comes out of the closet as an atheist and engages in a fascinating discussion with the panel.  I wish there were more thoughtful discussions like this on cable news!

The full show: Sunday’s Show: Atheism

Individual Segments:

  1. Coalescing the atheist political movement
  2. Atheists, God, and the GOP
  3. Atheism in the Public Sphere
  4. How does God fit in with global warming?
  5. Pastor comes out as a non-believer
  6. Things you should know

About SciAwakening

Blogging about religion, science, psychology, and whatever else is currently on my mind. http://ScientificAwakening.com

Posted on March 26, 2012, in Morality, Religion and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I’ll definitely have a look at the video, thank you for it 🙂

  2. I saw the episode too. I’m pretty impressed with “Up” as a whole. All of the discussions have been just this kind of reasonable and thoughtful so far, but I most impressed that they had the courage to take on the topic of atheism. There was so precious little coverage of the reason rally. I’m glad to see that what coverage I’ve found so far is of good quality. Thanks for the like and visiting my blog too, btw. I’ll be back….except when I’m watching the TED presentations that Discovery (or is it Science) will be broadcasting or catching Nerdist podcasts. Thanks

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